Unfortunately, I still need JS for some things to work properly. You're welcome to keep it disabled, but the onus is on you if some things don't work (I promise I'll get around to fixing it)...

2018-02-26 | Logic and Emotions

As someone who values logic above many other things, it's often difficult for me to conceptualize things that don't follow a certain set of rules. As I'm certain you can gather from the rest of these posts, I have ironically never taken a formal logic class or studied it rigorously, so while I may value logic highly, I don't actually have a solid 100% grasp on its workings. Just a thing to keep in mind when reading these muses.

And while I've clarified that emotions and whatnot are simply other forms of logic, it's times like this where I really just have to stand back and marvel at how fricking weird that kind of logic is.

For instance, I struggle with talking to people, especially those I know have access to my formative experiences, those people being immediate family members and close friends (especially a struggle with the former), and friendships that have the capacity to become a relationship. The struggle of articulation, in this case, deals with discussing myself personally. I am more than willing to discuss others Insides or various light topics, I simply have a difficult time opening up to my past experiences.

What's also interesting is that as I hear more and learn more from my friend, I too feel that I can open up to him as well, often because our formative years were similar and affected us in similar fashions; his arguably worse than mine I would say.

Anyway, this leads back to the fact that I'm really just inexperienced with dealing with my emotions, especially those in a romantic interest. I suppose I just need to learn to take punches effectively and continue with how I do in other aspects; the better I can take hits, be them in emotions/relationships/friendships, work, school, or otherwise, the better off I will be. Getting hit is never easy, but it can certainly be made easier with practice.

Previous Posts

2024-03-23 | Build Up or Break Down?

2024-02-16 | Almost A Year Later

2023-03-13 | Another Move!

2023-01-24 | It's Been a Minute

2022-03-21 | Remodeling

2022-02-10 | Modern Nazi-ism

2022-01-07 | 2057

2021-12-21 | New Website!

2021-10-06 | How Internet Advertisements are Destroying Society (Tin Foil Hat Time)

2021-03-12 | Success

2021-03-02 | Freedom

2021-01-11 | The Next Step

2020-12-29 | Year in Review

2020-11-14 | Happiness (and Other Emotions)

2020-10-15 | Passage

2020-10-12 | Taking Care of Mom

2020-10-07 | Alternative Way to Fund the Internet

2020-10-06 | A Taste of Insanity

2020-07-05 | Efficiency of Cooling Water

2020-06-07 | Personality

2020-06-05 | Eat Your Money

2020-05-27 | Nudges

2020-05-22 | Resources

2020-04-17 | Giraffes

2020-04-10 | A Year Later

2020-04-03 | Quarantine

2020-03-06 | Cancer Sucks

2020-02-16 | The Ball

2020-01-05 | A New Year

2019-12-10 | Enough

2019-12-09 | Buying a House

2019-11-26 | Money is Like Fire

2019-10-03 | Personal Sites

2019-09-17 | Soft Skills

2019-09-07 | Senior Year

2019-05-27 | Control

2019-05-11 | Living with Constraints

2018-09-21 | New Senses

2018-06-10 | Ramblings

2018-05-23 | Minimalism

2018-05-20 | Pass It On

2018-04-16 | Changes

2018-02-26 | Logic and Emotions

2018-02-09 | Forgiveness

2018-02-01 | Three Brains etc.

2017-06-28 | Rock Climbing

2017-06-19 | Living Cities

2017-06-11 | Roll and Go

2017-04-18 | School and Education

2017-04-10 | Maturity

2017-04-09 | Imagine a Business

2017-03-05 | What Do You Value?

2017-02-17 | Imagination

2016-12-11 | Black Box Theory

2016-12-05 | The Language of the Gods

2016-11-27 | Future of the Internet

2016-11-20 | EM Drive

2016-11-13 | Predicable Emotions

2016-11-07 | First Post