optional hot sauce, garlic, brown mustard, rosemary, herbs (to taste)
pinch salt
pinch pepper
Combine all ingredients except salt and pepper in a plastic bag or other suitable container, making sure that all pieces of of chicken are in contact with the marinade
Let chicken sit in marinade for at least 4 hours (readjust as needed to ensure that all pieces get in contact with the juice)
preheat oven to 375F
Line cookie sheet with al foil, place chicken pieces on sheet, add salt and pepper to taste
Cook for 20 minutes, baste marinade on chicken, then finish cooking for 20-30 more minutes (or until the center of the largest piece is 165F for at least 30 seconds)
Marinade is flexible, you can basically add anything to taste, however simpler is usually better in these cases.
Can also use other alcohol as the base such as beer, wine, or spirits